

Peach is not only loved and eaten fresh and canned with pleasure, in some countries the peach tree and its fruits are revered as a gift from the Gods, capable of filling the human body with vitality. All thanks to the high content in its composition of flavonoids, carotenoids, sugar, organic acids (tartaric, malic, chinic and citric), as well as essential oils, vitamins and salts of various minerals. The peach harvesting period in Azerbaijan is from mid-June to the end of August (week 24 – week 35). Among the main varieties of the fruit it may be noted round peach and flat peach.

Over the past few years, in local and foreign markets, there has been an increase in demand for varieties such as the “Paraguay” and “Galaxy” flat peaches. The average size of such fruits is from 55 mm +. Our company offers flat peaches packed in 6 kg plastic boxes. The average volume of supply per week is from 2 to 6 cars.